SBSC offers the latest technology for check verification and guarantee.
ECC or Electronic Check Conversion not only
verifies and guarantees the check, it then converts the check to an
electronic transaction that is automatically deposited into your bank
The check writer signs a receipt authorizing the electronic transaction,
and you then hand the check back to the customer. Processing
checks in this way saves you time and money by eliminating endless trips
to the bank to make deposits, and the fees charged by your bank for
handling paper deposit items.
SBSC offers three different check processing plans.
ECC is our most advanced plan that even eliminates the need to go to the
bank to deposit checks. Checks are verified, and then converted to
an electronic image to be deposited into your bank account
Check guarantee insures that your funds are secure by paying you
directly in the event that a check is returned NSF. This plan
requires that you deposit checks in the bank yourself.
Verification and Collection is the most economical plan and is best
suited for merchants processing a large volume of checks such as
supermarkets and mass retailers. Under this plan, NSF checks are
placed for collection, and you are reimbursed when the funds are
actually collected.
Click the EZcheck logo above to go directly to the EZ Check website and
find out more about electronic check processing.